Anxiety n Depression


I suffer from anxiety, and depression and it’s not a good place to be 💔😢.

Sometimes people don’t believe me when I tell them. I struggle; It can be hard to live with me & to be around me when I get like this and I know it. I try my best to control it.

I manage to get strong but sometimes I break. So if you see me very quiet, I’m not being rude, I’m not mad at you, you’re not bothering me, I may just need a minute to myself.

It’s okay to not be okay, tell someone you’re not okay (It’s okay).

Hopefully, some friends will put this on their wall.

You just have to copy…

Thank you 🧡

In Support Of Mental Health Awareness 🧡

9th Bithday #sausage

sausage #9yrsold #birthdayboy

🥹I can’t even believe we are here. 🥹 NINE! That’s only one year away from double digits 00. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday you where so small and still in my belly 🤰 where sometimes it feels like you want to go back in me the way you all over me,🙈🙈🙈 and now here you are, a full-on kid. 👦

We’re now in an entirely different ball ⚽️ game. You talk non-stop, 🫣are constantly on the move and pretty much never slow your down. 💨 that I actually have to tell you at times please just calm down 🙈🫣

I can’t even begin to tell you how incredibly proud 🥹 of you I am. You are kind and smart 🙌and hard-working. You love your family with all your heart ❤️ and you just love ❤️ being around all of them. 🥰

My favorite part of the day is still bedtime 🥱 , where you share with me all the different aspects of your day. You tell me the good😄, the bad, 😞 and the silly 😜. You ask me ridiculous questions 🫣and sometimes I have answers and sometimes not….🙈🙈🙈I keep thinking 💭that’s going to end soon, but you reassure me that you’ll want it forever.🤍

You dance 🕺 constantly — in the room, in front of the mirror 🪞 in the car 🚗 at restaurants and just while you’re standing around. It’s in your veins to always be moving around. 😃

Third grade has been an adventure so far. You’ve entered the world of multiplication ❌ and division, % and are starting to venture into complex thinking 💭 and evaluating 🤔 things from different perspectives. I get such a kick out of the questions❓ you ask, many I don’t have answers to. Thank goodness🙏 for the people around us at home 🏡 Teacher Louisa and and Google! 🛜

I’m excited 😆 to see what this year holds for you. You have so much potential 🙏and I know you’re going to do great things ,we spoke about this the other day 😃 how proud mommy is of you and you should be proud of yourself happy 😊 too my boy 👦

Work hard. Be kind.🌸

We all love ❤️ you so very, very much our sausage 👦

🎂 Blessings🙏 My Boy 👦 And May God Grant You What is Meant For You That Your Heart ❤️Desires.
I Love you my Boy❤️

Future Me!

Something from Brittney Schlicker that touched me!

I figured sometimes we all need reminders (even myself) to remember the possibilities of the future and what is in store when times are tough. Let’s face it life has been filled with good moments and moments where you can barely get out of bed to face the day. The older you get you learn to cope when life throws some unexpected turns. There are times when things seem to going along all too perfectly and then events are triggered where you just want to crawl into a hole and not come back out. I thought it would be helpful to write a letter to myself when my brain/emotions may not be thinking so clearly:

Dear myself

Here is the future you sending you words of encouragement that you may forget in those tough moments. You may never forget how you are feeling at this time of grief, but time really does heal all. Over the years as you matured you learned that happiness and accomplishments do not come from money or even the epic “white picket fence fantasy” that society makes you feel like you need to be “fulfilled”. Happiness comes from the way you perceive these moments.

Here are a few reminders of what is to come:

1) Remember that when one door closes, another door is waiting to be opened.- Everything that has happened in your past (good and bad) has shaped the story you are trying to write. The story you are writing is your very own and not like anyone else’s out there. You may feel like right now you have it the worst, but others are struggling just like you or even more in tougher situations.

2) Do not slow down! – I know you may feel like giving up, but look how far you’ve come. Remember the feeling of freedom you had when you traveled to all the places you’ve never been before or people only talked about in their fantasies? Or met new people who just made you feel powerful and confident? People will always come and go throughout your life because there is no way to keep people around forever. Think back to the good times you shared with those people even if those times seemed to short. Life will not stop or slow down for you. So continue to put a smile on your face, get out of bed, and fill yourself with the hobbies that seek enjoyment out of you. You have come so far and there are GREATER things in store.

3) Do not shame yourself. – I know sometimes when you put yourself out there and open your heart, you will still be rejected. This will not be the last or only time this will happen to you. You may feel like closing your heart and others out of your life. DO NOT SHAME YOURSELF! YOU ARE STRONG! Remember that being open, honest, and vulnerable is a “POWER” trait not a weakness.

4) Forgive- This one may be the hardest to accept but it is also the most important. Letting anger and hatred build up inside you is just not worth the pain and suffering it causes. Just let it go; people will always disappoint even the ones closest to you. Do not let that be the reason you want to give up. Forgiving and moving on is the best antidote for the future you and anyone who may have done you wrong. You may even look back at this one day and it will all make sense as to why these low moments happened in the first place.

I know you heard all this advice 100x, but that is because it is true. Keep pushing forward and try new things.

Try something that really scares you every single day.
Life will never stop changing so never lose yourself. Just pick up yourself one more time and seize the opportunities that are right in front of you.


The Future You

And he turns 8yrs old… #mysausage ❤️

Birthday Blessings To My Sausage ❤️

It’s hard to remember a life before you, my sausage you are the greatest blessing. Happy Birthday my sausage, 8 today! There are times when I look at you and feel so overwhelmed, that such a beautiful human is mine. You are 8 and yet I am not sure it has been 8 years since this motherhood journey began for me. It feels more like 3 years ago.

Although you are a little wriggle bum next to me in my bed and I wake feeling like I haven’t slept whereas as you wake having had the best sleep. I mean, you really are growing up now. I’ve had eight birthday days now, celebrating you. Being Mummy to you for eight years. You are my greatest and best achievement.

And there you are just casually hanging out with a ball, looking about 17. I just want to freeze time. I am loving this chapter of life with you so much. I’m not ready to close the door. Capturing these ordinary photo’s of you just before you turned 8 are for you to remember how you wanted to grow your hair and for me to lock it in the memory book. To record just how much you have grown and changed. To remember how beautiful you are. This chapter of your life has been truly wonderful to watch. Life was good. Life is good.

My sausage, you are a reflection of your Daddy and Me in miniature form. You have all of our best bits, with a few extra little quirky traits thrown in. You are so thoughtful, smart and kind. You are quietly confident yet have an adorable innocence about you that forever reminds me that you are my baby. You are so dedicated, disciplined and passionate, excitable and thoughtful. Loving and so much fun to be around. I love that we talk and share, question each other and laugh. I hope that continues.

In a few weeks you will be finishing up Grade 2, but believe me my sausage when I say that we are always here to guide you and support you. To listen when things get tough. I know that you are amazing, that you will continue to thrive. Adventure awaits. Always.

My sweet boy. Being loved by you is almost as amazing as it is to love you. I feel so incredibly lucky to be the one you call Mommy, and so grateful that today we get to celebrate your 8th birthday, to pause and spend a few hours together surrounded by family doing our favourite things. Which will include playing, eating, It’s the simple things.

Here is to another chapter my sausage, I am really looking forward to a year of you being eight. Can I make one request? Please don’t grow up too quickly, lately you seem to be changing every day and as I’ve said before I am just not ready. Mommy loves you more than anything in the world. But I think you already know that.

Love Always Your Mommy❤️

Arrival of my Sausage
1yrs old ❤️
2yrs old ❤️
3yrs old ❤️
4yrs old ❤️
5yrs old ❤️
6yrs old ❤️
7yrs old ❤️
And the Big 8yrs old ❤️ Time Flies ❤️

Depression and Anxiety

I’m battling anxiety and depression and I’m not ashamed of it anymore, it’s not a good place to be in. People don’t believe me when I tell them because I always try to act as if I’m happy round them.

At times I do struggle – like now. I can be hard to live with or to be around when I get this way and I know it. I try my best to control it and most of the time I succeed. I manage to get on top of it and control things but at times I break.

So if you see me and I’m quiet and somber, know that I’m not upset with you nor have you upset me. I also do not mean to be rude, I may just need a minute to myself or a hug!

So please if you are my friend just bear with me… It’s ok not to be ok, tell someone you’re not ok… it’s ok.

Everyone says: “If you need anything, don’t hesitate, I’ll be there for you”…

My Sausage ❤️

You are such a blessing to our life and we love watching you grow! You are just now beginning to show your amazing personality and we are so proud of the person we see you becoming. You are more perfect than we could have ever dreamed when we found out we were having a little boy.

Sausage, we wish we could change some of the harsh realities that have already happened in your young life. We wish we lived in a world where tragedy didn’t strike innocent children. But we can’t change the past and we can’t protect you from all the bad things as much as we want to. The best we can do, son, is teach you and guide you to the best of our ability. As you grow, there are a few fundamental things we want you to cling to. Use them as your guidebook, especially when life gets tough.

Spread kindness like wildfire.
Your dad is kind and has a good heart. Everywhere he goes, and to everyone he meets, he spread kindness and laughter. Son, you have your Daddy’s same kind heart and compassionate nature. Hold on to that, even when life gets hard. Your Daddy is so widely loved and admired because he loved and admired everyone around him. Everyone deserves kindness, baby. Don’t be afraid to show it.

Be brave and courageous.
There will be times in your life where you’d rather hide or run or bury your head in the sand than face whatever challenge is in your way. I know because I’ve been there many times. In those times, we want you to remember to be brave and show courage. But bravery and courage don’t have to come from you; in fact, it often doesn’t because we, as humans, struggle with the strong grip of fear. Often it overwhelms us. When that happens, always call on God to give you courage and be brave. He will give you the strength you need to get through the battle you’re facing.

Be respectful.
We have already begun to teach you how to respect your elders. Even as a tiny young boy, we are so proud of how polite you are. Keep that up, son. Everyone deserves respect and I expect you to show it. I expect you to respect your teachers and your friends. I especially expect you to respect girls, and later, women. When you show respect to others, even when they’re being jerks to you, you will always come out on top.

Remember how blessed you are.
Life is full of hills and valleys, some valleys being worse than others. You have already experienced a deep valley in your young life. Unfortunately, none of us are immune to tragedy. It is easy to count our blessings when we are riding high on top of those hills. The true measure of a person, I believe, is when you can still see the blessings you have in the midst of those valleys. Always remember, no matter what you’re going through in life, be it a big or small challenge, that you are incredibly blessed. When you are facing a challenge, focus on your blessings and hang on to them tight.

Love like your father loved me.
Your Daddy loved me more deeply than I ever thought was possible. He always put me and my needs before his own and he was more concerned with my happiness than his. Son, your dad, loved me with a sacrificial kind of love that all men are called to, but few accomplish. I want you to love your future wife like your Daddy loved me. Love her with everything you have, love her with all your heart, be faithful to her and show her (don’t just tell her) you love her EVERY DAY. One of the very last things your Daddy told me was that he loved me more than his own life. And I know he did. I will treasure that love for the rest of my life besides what has happened he did love me.

Put your family first.
I know it’s going to be hard to keep this in mind when working hard to provide for your family or to rise up that corporate ladder, but please remember to put your family first. Always. In all ways. Your family should be at the heart of every decision you make, and if that means turning down a promotion because it would take you away from your kids, so be it. That’s not to say that you should stifle your dreams or cut down your goals; it just means that you need to make sure that whatever decisions you make in your career are truly what’s best for your family. Because in the end, they are all you have.

It is always the right choice to do the right thing.
Son, you will be faced with the temptation to do lots of things because all the other boys are doing it. It may be the temptation to smoke or make fun of the new kid, treat a girl like an object, or cheat on a test. None of these things are worth it in the end. Not only will you disappoint me by choosing the wrong thing, but you will also ultimately disappoint yourself, and that is a far worse feeling.

Doing the right thing is often going to take a great deal of courage and bravery. It will likely make you feel like a bit of an outcast at times. It may even make you the target of nasty comments. I will always be here to help you with making the right choice, and I will be here to help you get through whatever may come from your choice. And I know that you will probably make mistakes here and there, but I want you to remember that a mistake is just a vehicle for learning an important lesson. And I will be here to help you through that, too.

Always put God at the center.
Just like you should always put your family first, so too should you always put God at the center of everything. Your job, your hobbies, your family decisions . . . make sure God is at the center of it all. Even and especially during the tough times. When you make Him the center, you will be blessed, son. I promise you this.

My baby, you are far too young for any of this to mean anything to you right now. But I promise that one day you will need these bits and pieces of advice. Tuck them away in your heart and draw them out when you need them. You are a wonderful blessing to me, to your Daddy, and the world. You are meant for great things, son. I can’t wait to see how you make your mark!



Self-Love to Myself

To start off with, I am so proud of you. Life hasn’t been too easy on you lately, and I am truly sorry about that. But despite it all, you have managed to keep your head up and continue fighting throughout.

Be proud of everything you have gone through, and mostly, what you’ve become.

Stop being so hard on yourself. Everything will make sense to you one day. All the pain, hurt, and frustration will become worth it. Remember, everything happens for a particular reason. You are in the exact place you are meant to be right now. So breathe, be patient, and trust the course of your life. Let go of all the expectations you have created in your head. Accept reality as it comes. Accept life for what it is.

Don’t take everything so personally and try to not let others get you down. Most of the time, things have nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the other person. When people hurt you, try and understand their side of the story. Forgive them. Learn from their wrongdoings, and then let it remain in the past. Not everything is always how it appears.

You are perfect in every way, especially with your flaws. Accept the things that make you different, while embracing everything that makes you unique.

Even though you think you are broken, there is so much beauty in your pain. Also, you’re really not as broken as you think you are. You are stronger than anything that has tried to tear you down. You are a survivor, not a victim. So with that, try not to be so hard on yourself, we both know you’re doing the best you can.

Create a meaningful life for yourself that you can be proud of. Promise me, you will make the most of it all. Never let anyone get in the way of your goals in life. More importantly, never give up on your passions and your dreams. Do not waste your time on people who do not believe in you. You don’t need anyone like that in your life. Only surround yourself with people who encourage and inspire you.

You deserve the world and even a little more. You are smart. You are beautiful. You are enough. You are everything. You are all.

Try not to rely too much on others for your happiness.

You must learn to completely love yourself, before you even try to love another.
Help others. Be a good friend and make sure to be kind to your family. Be selfless, not selfish. Love like you never seen pain before. And if you do not find the strength to do so, just make sure you find enough love for yourself.

You are so strong my dear. You have been through a lot and come out on the winning end. The world has tried to break you, but you never let it. Thank your past, for it has made you into a better person today.

Not everyone you have meet is meant to stay around forever. People will leave you. On the contrary, you will also leave others. People will disappoint you, and all you can do is learn to appreciate them for what they have taught you. Thank the people who have stayed. Fill the spaces of the ones who have gone.

More importantly, gracefully let go of the things and people that are not meant for you. Accept things the way they are.
Thank you for never giving up and being so tough. You inspire others and you lift them up. Stay strong. Stand up tall. Be more beautiful than ever. Make them wonder how you do it.

You know you deserve the world, now go get it.

Be Your Own Kinda Beautiful
Love Yourself

It Will Pass…

I know you’re tired and hurting right now, You’re struggling to find that inner peace in the middle of this crisis and you’re slowly feeling that anxiety and negative thoughts that slowly crucify your soul. Asking yourself if their is hope and what will happen on your future. I will not tell you to love yourself or to smile but to keep on surviving. Breathe and remember that you’ve survive this silent battles before. I know you feel that time is passing by so fast and you’re sick of your stagnant routine but it’s okay not to be as productive as usual. Just simply have a day and it’s enough. Just eat whatever you want, you can stay on your bed as long as you want if that’s what your soul needs its enough. Take care of yourself. I know it’s unbearable but keep breathing and existing if you’re exhausted. This will pass. I promise it will pass.


“You are brave to walk away from situations that do nothing but bring you down. It’s hard to say goodbye to something that was once beautiful, magical, and wholesome. Ache will always linger around your soul, you know that—yet, you are tough in choosing solitude rather than a bond filled with trauma, betrayal, and lies. You’d rather listen to the fireflies than empty promises and senseless words.

And I am proud of you for doing that. You are brave to end something that gives you nothing but pain that you don’t deserve.”

💔Broken Heart💔

I know it hurts.

And I don’t know what else to say other than I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the sadness that paralyzes you; the sadness that makes you feel like you’re pushing yourself forward just to go through the motions.

I am sorry for the pain that stings you, and makes you feel like I am pouring salt right onto your open wounds. I am sorry for the doubt that plagues you; the doubt that makes you feel like love is a risk that’s no longer worth taking.

I feel like it’s my fault.

I tried for a really long time to protect you; I built a wall as high as those that rise up around castles, strong and thick enough to keep a tempest of emotions at bay. I promised you that I would keep you safe, that I wouldn’t let harm come your way, that no one could get in unless we really wanted him to — unless we were ready.

But how prepared could we have been? It happened all in the blink of an eye, and suddenly there was this new warmth to you, like cookies fresh out of the oven.

Piece by piece, the walls came down, or maybe day by day you just grew bigger and fuller. And then one night you just burst through. I tried to talk to you, and I tried to be level-headed with you. “Be careful,” I warned. You’re treading new territory. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

You wouldn’t have any of it; I was scared for you, but you felt so confident. You stood as powerful, yet as vulnerable as ever, and you found your voice. I listened as the feelings materialized, as the words ran through the air like you were crossing a finish line. You were steady, prepared and proud.

It felt beautiful; you and I agreed on that. The wall was down, and promises were made by everyone involved. I took one last measure, one last step to keep you safe: “Promise me,” you said, “That you won’t break me.”

“I promise.”

That was that: You were sold. You were running through the hills singing, splashing through ocean waves, drinking in the sun and the sky and sparkling with the night stars. You were young and free, and the rubble from the broken walls looked like pebbles in the distance.

You were folding over in smiles, you danced to the beat of a new drum and developed a rhythm that only love could create. You were just so far gone.

I should have kept my wits about me, I should have kept you from wandering too far astray, but life happened too fast. The love was overwhelmingly blinding, and for the longest time you were so happy, until one day I wasn’t.

The first lie came, and then there was another. I listened to his words, but you felt his touch. I think something is wrong here, I tried to tell you. I know you’re in love, but I think that something just isn’t right.

But you were already in an embrace; you dived into what you thought was the best place to keep you safe, the place where you would be most protected, where nothing could hurt you. You didn’t want to listen to me.

I’m sorry you felt like you could stay there forever. I’m sorry you felt like it was a refuge that was all yours. I’m sorry you felt like nothing could reach you there. I guess sometimes there is something scary in feeling so safe.

I thought I lost you when it first happened. I couldn’t feel you; you had disappeared into nothing. Are you okay? I felt like I was shouting at the top of my lungs at you.

For a while I wondered whether it was possible to live life without a pulse. Please come back! Please! I kept yelling. I wasn’t sure whether I was yelling that for your sake or mine.

Then you hit me with that core-shattering cry of yours. You were like an anchor that just sank to the bottom of deep, dark ocean waters. You throbbed with sadness and there was nothing I could do for you.

I felt so helpless; I just wanted to scoop you up and tell you it was all going to be okay, but I didn’t know if you trusted me anymore. I didn’t know if you trusted anyone anymore.

I know you still feel heavy and you try to put on a brave face sometimes. It was for the best, I try to tell you. You deserve so much more, so much better, I try reassure you.

Sometimes you nod approvingly like you get it, or we are on the same page. Sometimes you feel your way back to a moment in time, and you turn to me, this battered, beaten shadow of yourself, with heavy eyes and a silent stream of tears. Leave me alone, you pound back at me.

Please know that it takes time, and you are doing so well. You are so ridiculously strong. None of it was easy, but I am proud of you. It’s hard to face the world feeling the way you do sometimes, but please, just keep at it.

Know that love is a beautiful, scary thing, but that it isn’t something to fear or be afraid of. There is light in all darkness, and if there is anything that I can promise you, it’s that this, too, shall pass. This won’t last forever.

You may find yourself hurt again in the future, or you may find yourself perfectly wrapped up in the arms of forever.

But you’ll never know unless you try.

A Good Man ♥️

If you have a good man, hold on to him. ❤️

And when I say a good man, I don’t mean a man who is perfect. But a man who tries. He’s hardworking, will go above and beyond to make you happy. Imperfect but is working toward being a better man. He’s not out here to make you look dumb. He’s your best friend and you can run to him with and for everything.

Yes, he’s going to mess up here and there but if he’s trying to be a better man for you, love that man, keep that man, celebrate that man because that man is hard to find. ❤️



When a mother’s crying by herself,⁣
she’s never 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 alone.⁣

Yes, she may be hiding in her closet shielded by hanging clothes, her back pressed against the door so no one can barge through,⁣

or she may be parked in her car in the driveway, placing her head on the steering wheel, tears soaking it,⁣

or she may be in the shower where her tears blend in with the shower water, so her kids don’t notice them,⁣

or maybe she waited until everyone was fast asleep and wept on a pillow in her pitch-black room.⁣

And she cries because motherhood is hard,⁣
because no one ever listens,⁣
because nothing is going right,⁣
because she feels like she’s falling short.⁣

There are so many reasons for her tears.⁣

But she’s never crying alone.⁣

Because as she’s wiping her face with a tissue, so is another mom out there.⁣

Because there’s always another mother crying for the same reasons.⁣

Because motherhood can feel impossible for every mom to swallow,⁣
and it sometimes leaves an uncomfortable lump in her throat that can only be relieved by tears.⁣

So, when a mother’s crying by herself,⁣
she’s never 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 alone.⁣

#sausageandi #myson #motherhood

My World

I carried a child within my body. 🤰🏼 Slept with him on my chest. I’ve kissed little toes 👣 & wiped away tears. I’ve been vomited on, peed on & spent sleepless nights cradling, But I wouldn’t have it any other way. My body isn’t magazine perfect, but when I look in the mirror I see a mother 👩… A GREAT one 💯 and there is no greater honor, love or blessing!
❤ A Very Proud Mommy of Daniel Frank Abrahams 👩‍👦‍👦👑

To Myself And The Woman Who Can’t Commit

It’s okay, you are scared. You are so scared that he will walk out just like everyone else did. Leave you in the dark and not tell you what is going on. Lead you on. Or maybe he will just call you for a random hookup and then leave again. But whatever the reason, please let me tell you, it is okay.
Being scared does not make you any less of a woman. Don’t hate yourself for this; There are more people that are also living out this situation. By not letting someone into your life you think you are keeping yourself safe, but this may also be hurting more than helping. You want to so desperately get away from the awkward small talk and one worded text. You want to hear the words ‘I like you’ come out of his mouth. You think that in some way this will heal your broken heart.

I can’t tell you that being in love will fix everything, I have never been there. But I know that being scared to let someone into your life will turn you away from many friendships. But I understand, because I am scared to commit too.

You gave everything to someone just to have it repeatedly thrown back into your face. Maybe he cheated, lied, or maybe he was just plain indecisive about what he wanted in a relationship: either way, he mistreated you. He twisted and turned your thoughts and feelings anyway that he could.

It has changed you. But that is okay.

The only problem with girls like us is, our walls built to keep the bad out are also keeping out the good too. No one will ever be able to prove to you that they deserve a chance if they never get the opportunity and that can be so unfair to people.

I am here to tell you, things will get better. It may not be today or tomorrow, but it will eventually be better. I am not going to sit here and tell you how awful of a person you are because you are not an awful person.

I, myself, am too scared to commit to someone. I know how it feels to have a panic attack anytime you go out with a guy because you know that it can not go any further because you are hurting.

I know what it’s like to over analyze everything that a guy says or does.

I know how stressful it can be to be hurting people.

And I don’t know what else to say other than I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the sadness that paralyzes you; the sadness that makes you feel like you’re pushing yourself forward just to go through the motions.

I am sorry for the pain that stings you and makes you feel like you are pouring salt right onto your open wounds. I am sorry for the doubt that plagues you; the doubt that makes you feel like love is a risk that’s no longer worth taking.

I know what it is like to feel like it is your fault, but I am here to tell you, it isn’t.

‘Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.’ Romans 12:9

Get on my Knees

There are days, when I feel the best of me is ready to begin,
Then there are days, when I feel I’m letting go, soaring on the wind.
But I’ve learnt in laughter or in pain, how to survive…

Happy 7th Birthday My Sausage ❤️

Seven years ago, you came into my world. For the first time, and I had a baby boy who I could hold forever and love for a lifetime. A baby boy who could love me back and wrap his arms around my neck and whisper, “I love you.”

It was new for me. I wasn’t sure how I would deal with it but look now seven years later….

But here we are seven years later and when I look at you, all I see is your beautiful, tender soul.

You’re this incredible little person who loves dirt, dinosaurs, super heroes and prefers to walk around in his underwear.

I see a little boy who has a mischievous sense of humor and glint of fun always sparkling in his eyes. I see sweetness in your kind actions and your big heart in the way you hug and kiss me, When I look at you, all I see is you.

You surprise me every day with your imagination, charm, wit and intelligence. Right from the start your sweet face was winning hearts.

I remember picking you up one day from day-care. I had just gone back to work and was always frantic to get back to you. As the daycare person handed you over to me she said, “He’s a little charmer.”

She was right. You zest for life is infectious and your perspective, even at 7 makes me wonder at all that you will accomplish in life.

My hope is that you will always be like this little boy you are a 7 – the little boy you’ve been since birth – a ray of sunshine; friendly to every person you meet can have your off days but we allowed to have them, kind to animals (when I kill a d insect you tell me I’m Killing God’s creates yet you know mommy is scared of anything and eveyething but yet you know that and would say mommy don’t worry I will protect you…. To that future wife of yours – I be raising a good guy right over here.

While being a mother is no longer new for me, being your mother is always a surprise and I’m grateful for that every day. There is no one else like you.

My wish for you this year is that you continue to delight in the world around you. That you make new discoveries and have adventures. That you welcome all people with your smile and your warmth, and that you charm the world just as much as it charms you.

Happy 7th Birthday, Daniel Frank Abrahams ❤️ #mysausage

Mommy loves you to infinity and beyond my boy 🧒

6yrs ago already…. Daniel Frank Abrahams

To my Baby Boy Daniel 😘

You won’t remember the way I stood in the hospital late that night in labor with you, fearfully and excitedly. knowingI waited 12hours for you knowing I was going to bring you into the world soon and whispering to you, “We can do this.”

You won’t remember the way you looked at me right after you were born, or the way I pulled you up next to my heart and marveled “Hello Mommy” (coming from you to me) in your ear.

You won’t remember the way you healed my broken spirit. The way you completed my heart. I was weak before I had you, and you made me whole again.

You won’t remember the way I proudly watched you everywhere we went, you were always the most beautiful boy in the room to me.

You won’t remember the way you made me laugh with all of the silly things you did. I saw how kind your heart was.

You won’t remember the way I would brush the hair off of your forehead and the way you’d look up at me. Without any words, our souls could touch and say everything to each other that words couldn’t.

You won’t remember the tickle fests we had, and how I always cheated so I could hold you close and cover your salty little face in kisses.

You won’t remember all the times I went to bed at night and felt such fear being your mother: Am I doing okay? Have I messed up too many times already? Can I be the kind of mother he needs?

You won’t remember the way my heart broke and grew a little bigger each time you passed a milestone, watching the sand fall through the hourglass while feeling overjoyed witnessing you expand and grow.

You won’t remember the way I would hold your little feet in my hands, imagining how much bigger than my own feet they will one day grow, and how I will have to let you go.

You won’t remember, but I will… and I’ll hold these memories in my heart for the both of us.

Love you my Baby Daniel you the best thing that has ever happened to me…..

Mommy loves you long time💝

Love Me ❤

Dear Self,

I have fallen into that void of darkness once again. Im feeling sad, anxious, scared, alone. I don’t understand what is happening or why. Im laying in bed right now. My thoughts are spiraling down a negative path and my cheeks are stained with tears. Or even worse, I am numb to emotions.

Im feeling like a horrible human, but im doing the best i can right now, and i know my friends and family love me no matter how badly im feeling. It’s hard to believe, but they do. If they don’t, then they’re not worth your energy. I will Stop telling myself that im a bad human. Im not perfect, that’s for sure, but no one is. My son is beautiful, bright, and happy. He deserve to have me in his life for many, many years. I will not deprive him of that experience. He loves me. He needs me. He is NOT better off without me. I am a worthy human being.

Lastly, i will remember the positives…

I am not my diagnoses. I am not Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, Borderline or any other diagnosis thrown my way. I am not my traumas. I am not anything that anyone has ever done to me. I may be affected by these conditions and experiences, but they are not me. They are just a small part of me. I am so much more.

I am a warrior. I am brave. I am creative, talented, smart, and capable. I am radiant, strong, and compassionate. I am beautiful at any size. I am loved. I will get through this. It may not be today or tomorrow, but i WILL get through this.

Stay safe and believe. Things will get better.

Dear Anxiety….repost from Olivialucieblake

I don’t need to introduce myself because you already know who I am. We have been together for a while now. I don’t know the number of years, months or days but we have got to know each other well over the years.

You know what makes me cry, you know what makes me worried and you know what makes me scared. Because you are the one who makes me feel that way. I sometimes wish I never met you, but then often times I’m glad I did. I’ve enjoyed all the times where you have told me I couldn’t do something, and then you then had to watch me do it anyway. There is something very powerful in knowing you had to sit and watch me accomplish something when you told me I’d never could.

I want you to know that you don’t control me. You are not the owner of me and who I am. I want you to know that you shouldn’t get too comfortable. You have outstayed your welcome. All those times you seemed to have won, I showed you time and time again I was the one in control. You knocked me down but I got back up every time. You don’t control me anymore.

I see you sometimes, unexpectedly. Sometimes when I feel as though I’m having a good day. You show up to remind me you’re still there, but you don’t scare me anymore. Not like when I was a kid. I didn’t know what you were, but now I see you for who you are. You are nothing more than a thought in my mind. I can’t smell you, I can’t taste you and I can’t touch you. You are not real. You do not scare me.

One thing I have learnt from our terrible relationship is that I know where we stand with one another.

Anxiety, I am more than what you make me feel.

Memories and what was actually happening….

As my facebook reminds me of memories everyday….it just shows I lived for you and our son but you chose to do what you did…..As I look at the picture below and the date and the content and and and it just breaks me and hurts me so much this was the time you started seeing the other woman as you said started round about the end of 2017 and i had no clue about it….not at all…… it’s just so sore…… and it was august 2017 when thos woman and her husband was at our place and still I left that day something happened even tho you said nothing did…..

To My Wonderful Husband Denver Kyle Abrahams and Father to our son Daniel Frank Abrahams

I want to wish you the best birthday yet. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and that marrying you has been one of the best decisions in my life. You are everything I was looking for in a man and much more. We’ve been through alot together, good things and bad things, and in every moment you’ve been there. I know I don’t always say it but thank you for everything you do and everything you bring into my life.

Thank you for your dedication to our family and for the way you take care of us every day, without complaining. Thank you for your patience towards me and our little one Daniel. Thank you for listening to me when I’m mad, stressed, happy or sad. I love that about you. Thank you for taking the time to teach our child Daniel about right and wrong. And for encouraging me to be the best I can be. You make me a better person, a stronger person, and you’ve taught me how to stand up for myself. Our child Daniel love you so much and I do too.

I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel unimportant, and I apologize for making you mad at certain times. I know I’m not the perfect wife but I try hard every day to be better than before. You are very important to me and I can’t imagine life without you. Every day is a special day for me when you are by my side.

I hope we get to share many, many more birthdays together, and I pray to God to always keep you in good health and away from harm. And I’d like to encourage you to find time to do the things you like to do, I know you’ve sacrifice a lot of time for us and I thank you for that as well. You are a wonderful husband and daddy.

You are the best husband and the best father for our family. And I know you are not perfect, no one is, but you are perfect for me. I LOVE YOU and I’m excited about our future together.

Happy Birthday and God Bless You.

With all my heart,

Your wife and Son Daniel

Just a chance to make you HAPPY… and it can into a LIFETIME chance…

I have always wondered what it would be like to hold his heart in my hand. To have those guarded eyes look at me with tender love. To have him hold me gently, as though I am his precious treasure. To stir his unemotional heart into feeling something more for me.

He not easy to love, but there is just something about the way he looks at me that makes all the jumbled words and incoherent thoughts make sense. Something about the way he talks to me that had me transfixed and bound to him. Something about him that made my entire existence yield to him, as though I couldn’t stand on my own and he was my only strong pillar in this erratic, ever-changing world. Something dark and irresistible about him that makes me want to go unfathomable extents for him, to reach the stars just for the chance to make him happy.

I want so much for him to feel a shred of something for me. I wanted more than anything to be the reason he smiled. I just want him to like me back.

And I tried. I tried to see the good side of him. I tried to give him everything I had, until I make him my life.

I tried to like him at the expense of me. But it didn’t matter what I did. He was never close enough.

I interlaced our fingers together, feeling the warmth and tightness around them. I threw my other arm around his neck, clinging onto him, and brushed my lips against his as he was all cuddled up asleep in my arms.

But still, he would never be closr.

This would happen if I looked into his unreadable eyes and i would feel the stiffness of his back, and suddenly I will be filled with the need for him to feel something. I would pull his head down to mine and leaned forward i would kissing him and I would feel his warmth and all-consuming presence. I wpuld feel myself slipping away and this would be confusing and hurt. He would continue to stay immobile and unaffected.

He continued to stay out of reach and he did not kiss me back.

It feels like if I should take two steps towards him, he would take ten steps back. Whenever I thought we had a connection and I was closer to seeing the person behind his composed façade, he would become a stranger the next day and I was no closer to his heart. Whenever I thought he was starting to fall for me and there was a possibility of us, he would become withdrawn amd dashed my hopes.

When you fall for someone who doesn’t feel the same way, your self-esteem is crushed. You can only wonder, why? You are heartbroken and it is a wound that never completely heals.

However, you also learn to move on from that. The heartbreak, although painful, is necessary for you to accept what happened and give up trying to convince someone to love you the way you deserve.

Only by moving on from this unrequited love, you can eventually meet the one who feels the same way towards you. 

It’s still so sore

As I lay here not being able to sleep alot going through my mind. About what I have been through all the hurt and pain and what you have put me through….

Still today I have so much unanswered questions like why did you do what you did to me…why didnt you just pack your things and leave why did you still stay and carry on with what you were doing???? So many WHY’S WHY’S WHY’S AND WHY’S with tears in my eyes…. it all just hurts so much…. you had no right to do what you did to me….


And I just think back in that time you were with her you were with me at the same time coming from here to me it viser verse and telling her the same things you were telling me and even worse doing the same things you were doing with her in the same time why because you were still married to me and had her at the same time….. all of this hurts just so much….

Because of my insecurities my guard is fully up and its seems like the next person that wants to come into my life must suffer which shouldn’t be the case

I just hate having this kinda nights where all seems so dark and painful….and so much thinking and tears just rolling….

Do you know the sad part is you are around but not round like we want you to be….what hurts the most is when our son asks me why daddy sleep with us mommy or why can’t daddy be with us mommy and all I have to tell him to assure him is that it’s better this way but just remember mommy and daddy love you so much and we will do anything and everything for you to keep you happy my boy….

Why me, why to me and my son…. we miss you we really do there are times we do things and we will both have a moment and I’m sure the we thinking the same thing and that is wishing you could be around to see the milestones that our son reachers and just that face he gives that his so proud of himself I’m sure you know that face….maybe….

But in all this I pat myself on the back and tell myself I have come this far after all I have been through I can get through this emotional nights I have which has become less which is a good thing after all. And I will get through them all in due time yes it’s been now like over 2yrs we been divorced and all of this feels like it happened yesterday….guess everyone takes a different timeframes to get over things…. but I know and I’m sure this isnt going to be something I will get over I will have to learn to accept what has happened… you moved on as if it all meant nothing to you and this was during our marriage and still I’m here dealing with it all but I will accept it all someday…..

You are missed alot…you are not gone and you not forgotten…

Reblog : They….

They used me as a woman, cheated on me, changed me, saw tears on my face, and I forgave unforgivable things and cried until the last day.

And here I am, with a thousand insecurities on top of anxiety attacks, and more. But I wake up everyday with this heavy weight on my shoulders that knocks me down every time, but in all I stand up and tell myself I can do this and everything to come. Because they broke me into a thousand pieces but slowly I am rebuilding. ❤️


I really don’t like you. The reason I say I don’t like you isn’t because I truly dislike you. It’s because I wish I didn’t like you as much as I do. I’m crazy about you in actuality.

I’ve always prided myself in being the girl who doesn’t need a guy to give her joy or purpose. I’ve always been content in life by only focusing on myself, and what’s truly important in life. Then you came around and I don’t even know what to do with myself anymore. You’re literally going through my mind so much during the day that it begins to frighten me.

I’ve always been good at avoiding catching feelings because I rather save my heart from the heartache. Then you came around and liking you is completely inevitable. I hate to find myself in this position, that I haven’t been in, in so long. I’ll admit I’m extremely scared and trying to fight these feelings. It feels like liking you may even be one of the deadly sins because I know It’ll only end up devastating for me because of what you told me in the very beginning. How can something that feels so wrong, also feel so right?

I know I know I know, that you’re nothing like the other guys. I believe that one with all of my heart. Knowing your mindset on life make me sure you’re a good one. I know you and have faith in you. I’m not worried about you breaking my heart, I’m worried about me breaking my own heart by falling for you.

I try and avoid liking you because I feel like I will never be enough for you, or you’ll never be interested. It’s so hard not to fall for you, whenever I look at you I know God made you, and he made a work of art when he made you. Your smile and laugh might be the most addictive drug to me. It’s all about the way you laugh when you’re amused by my crazy talk. It’s all so beautiful. Every moment spent with you I can feel God’s wisdom and love through your presence. You bring the absolute best out of me and I’m sure you know all of this already.

I know how you feel towards me as you have told me. I just don’t want to be the idiot girl who leads herself on which i actually was and am now. I don’t expect anything from you. I can’t. These are my feeling, even if they’re feelings I don’t necessarily want. I’ll have to learn to live with them.

I’m going to push my feelings to the side and make sure you never know of this, why? Because I respect you. I don’t want to ruin this. Neither do I want you to look at me any differently if you don’t feel the same way. What we have is an amazing thing. You’re always here to listen to me complain about my day and uplift me. If I am ever conflicted with something you always know the right things to say, and you share your wisdom with me. How couldn’t I like you? It’s nearly impossible. I thank God for you every night. You’re the kind of guy I’ve always prayed to meet. When I do find him, If he’s not you, I hope he’s as great as you are. You’re also the kind of guy I’d rather have in my life as just a friend, then to not have in my life at all. Even though it would be nice to have you be more than that. I’ve realized that sometimes the connection means more than the title and if it comes down to that I’m willing to do that for the sake of us.

Happy 6th Birthday My Sausage

Daniel Frank Abrahams where do mommy start… 6years years old already…..

I’ve known you for 6years now and I love you more and more each morning and night. My goal has always been to raise you to be a kind, hard-working, humble, and happy boy into a man and still is. I know I am not the perfect mother-I have made my mistakes, but you have kept me striving to do better, gave me a reason to fight and gave me a reason to do better with my life. You might not understand my words yet, but when you’re old enough I can’t wait to explain your impact on my life. Not just as a mother and son, but as soul mates. You are my world. You’re a piece of my soul. You will never know it, but you have got me through my darkest days, you encouraged my smile when my heart was in pieces. You forced me to keep on going. I needed the challenge. These past years have been the most challenging in both our lives, and honestly I wouldn’t take back a second of it. We learned how to survive through the toughest times, learned independence, we both matured. So even though your dad and I are no longer together, I wrote you this letter so you know that you were a product of two parents who loved one another more than anything in this world. I’m very sorry that we couldn’t stay together, you were a symbol of our love. We wanted you and loved you from the moment that we found out that I was pregnant. We dreamt about you, we talked about how silly you would turn out to be, we felt your kick’s against my stomach. You are the greatest gift in this world, raising you has been my greatest achievement.

As you enter your 6th year, these are my reminders for you:
Always RESPECT- give it and you earn it! Respect adults, your family, grandma and grandpa, your sister, your teachers, other parents, females, and your classmates.
Most of all, respect yourself-you are a smart and handsome young man that is capable of doing anything you want in life.
Take responsibility for your actions- If you make mistakes, learn from your mistakes and do better next time!
Humble is important- Aim to be the best version of you, remember that having confidence is amazing, but cockiness is unattractive.
Always take care of You.
You are God’s gift to me, my heart will continue to melt watching you do that things that you love, when you say you love me, when you hug and kiss me.

I love you & Happy birthday my Sausage

Love Mommy

APPRECIATION POST TO MY FRIENDS Dane Jacobs and Cherelle Jacobs

You’re guys are such a great blessing and every day I thank God for your mere existence. You simply make everything brighter. I’m lucky to have you both by my side. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you and how grateful I am for the two of you.

Thank you for giving me your time. I believe a person’s most precious gift that can give to anyone is his/her time because you can never take it back. And you always give me that. I’m deeply thankful for it.

Thank you for making ordinary moments extraordinary. A simple day can become special because of the two of you. A short stop will always bring out the best stories. You never fail to make me laugh. There’s never a dull moment with you guys.

We surely have different interests and point of view. But you always exert extra effort for everything to become easier for me.

Thank you for always understanding. You never judged me. You accepted me. And your open mindedness and compassionate heart always comfort me.

Thank you for dealing with my immaturities and tantrums. I know you’re done with drama. But you never abandoned me. Even if I’m hard to deal with at times, you never left. Instead you still try to understand and love me behind my flaws.

Thank you for not making distance a big deal of our friendship. Thousand miles apart, and you’re still my good old friend. You never forget. You never change. And even we don’t see each other everyday, I’m confident you’re still my forever kind of friends.

Thank you for letting me know things first. And even though I’m not always present to celebrate with you the good times. And for the bad times, know that I always care and I’m here for you.

Thank you for being my confidant. You never judged me for being vulnerable. And you’re the only person I’m not afraid to show how weak I am.

Thank you for sharing your family and friends with me. It means a lot to me. Knowing the people around you is like having an extended circle on an instant.

Thank you for trusting me. I’m not even sure if I deserve your trust. You trust me with a lot of things in your life. And I promise not to do anything stupid that will break your trust.

Thank you for inspiring me. You’re strong, independent, caring, selfless and you inspire me to become a better person. Just so you know, you’re one of the few people I truly look up to.

Thank you for sharing your faith with me. You’ve been through a lot and you’re still there standing strong. You showed me how great is our God and how he always listen to each one of us.

Thank you for being one of the best teachers. You taught me how to choose battles wisely. You showed me how to deal with life. You made me realized how important is each day.

Thank you for valuing me. You never took me for granted. And I appreciate it a lot.

Thank you for being you. You’re amazing. If only you knew how grateful I am to be your friend, you would know that this letter wouldn’t end. Because there’s surely a million reasons I would want to thank you for. And words are not enough.

Thank you for being my friends . I love you guys

To The Boy Who Made Me A Mom!

Dear Son,
You have changed me. You have made me a mother – the greatest role of my lifetime. I didn’t know how much I wanted to be a mother until I became a mother to you. I have never experienced another love like this.

You have made me tired, but I am so in love. When you were placed in my arms for the first time, my heart exploded with the amount of love I had for you even though I just met you. I may not sleep as much, but my lack of sleep is forgotten during those tender middle-of-the-night feedings, when it’s just me and you, sitting in the rocking chair, your little body curled against mine. I may have a loads of laundry and piles of dishes to do, but all of that is swept from my mind when I’m swaying you back to sleep, your big eyes slowly closing, your tiny fingers wrapped around mine. These moments are fleeting and I am going to savor each one.

You have made my body softer, but I am beautiful. My body changed while I was pregnant with you, ever expanding and changing shapes to make room for the growing you. It continued to amaze me when I gave birth to you, allowing me to realize how strong my body is. During the first six months of your life, my body provided you with your only source of nutrition. My body may be different than it was before you existed, but I love it more now because without it, I wouldn’t have you.

Finally, you made me…me. My identity is not just myself anymore. I am no longer just a daughter, a sister, or a wife. I am now somebody’s mother! Your mother! This is the best version of myself. When I look at you and you’re smiling your toothy smile back, there’s nobody else I’d rather be. I’m excited for our adventure together and I know the best is yet to come.

Thank you for making me a mother.

To The Boy Who Made Me A Mommy

Dear Son,

You have changed me. You have made me a mother – the greatest role of my lifetime. I didn’t know how much I wanted to be a mother until I became a mother to you. I have never experienced another love like this.

You have made me tired, but I am so in love. When you were placed in my arms for the first time, my heart exploded with the amount of love I had for you even though I just met you. I may not sleep as much, but my lack of sleep is forgotten during those tender middle-of-the-night feedings, when it’s just me and you, sitting in the rocking chair, your little body curled against mine. I may have a loads of laundry and piles of dishes to do, but all of that is swept from my mind when I’m swaying you back to sleep, your big eyes slowly closing, your tiny fingers wrapped around mine. These moments are fleeting and I am going to savor each one.

You have made my body softer, but I am beautiful. My body changed while I was pregnant with you, ever expanding and changing shapes to make room for the growing you. It continued to amaze me when I gave birth to you, allowing me to realize how strong my body is. During the first six months of your life, my body provided you with your only source of nutrition. My body may be different than it was before you existed, but I love it more now because without it, I wouldn’t have you.

Finally, you made me…me. My identity is not just myself anymore. I am no longer just a daughter, a sister, or a wife. I am now somebody’s mother! Your mother! This is the best version of myself. When I look at you and you’re smiling your toothy smile back, there’s nobody else I’d rather be. I’m excited for our adventure together and I know the best is yet to come.

Thank you for making me a mother.


“Diamond Of A Woman”

“Open up your eyes Little One. Really open them, and take a look around you. Look at everything you’ve survived. Look at all you’ve overcome. Be proud of yourself! Be so DAMN proud of this GORGEOUS diamond of a woman, you’ve become.”

Don’t judge!

“You may open my book, and read me. But please do not step in and judge, based on only one page of my story. There are many chapters and many lines. I stumble, rise and fall. And if you truly want to know me full well, you will have to read them all.”

Thanking my Older Sister

Having an older sister is like a best friend, second mom and a role model all wrapped into one amazing person. Maybe you didn’t feel that way when you were younger but now she’s your go-to, ride or die partner in crime. You know how lucky you are to have her, but sometimes you forget to verbalize it. Here are a few things you should thank your sister for.

1. Breaking in your parents for you.
Your sister was your parents’ first-go-around at parenting, so they were overly strict, set higher expectations and she took the brunt of the punishment. By the time they got to you, they eased up and let some things slide that they would’ve never overlooked in your sister’s day.

2. Her closet.
Chances are you had zero fashion sense in middle school and you looked at your sister’s closet as a beacon of style. Any chance you got, you would sneak in and try her clothes on, failing completely to look as good as her. And on your covert missions, you kept a few souvenirs hoping she wouldn’t catch you wearing a few of them.

3. Being your ride for all those years you didn’t have a car.
When your parents were busy, she was the one to drive you here, there and everywhere. You would ride shotgun, listen to her music, stop somewhere for food…you preferred it to riding with your parents.

4. Turning to her for advice.
Boys, drama with friends, clothing, anything you would never go to your parents for, you turned to her for everything. She always knew what to say in any given situation.

5. Trusting her opinion above all else.
You valued her opinion because you knew that anything you were currently going through, she had been there and survived it. Whenever you needed her, she was there, answering every call or text, ready to walk you through any crisis you found yourself in.

6. Never ratting you out to your parents.
All those crazy shenanigans you took part in, she knows about them but would never spill to your parents. You have an unspoken understanding that siblings keep certain unknowns from parents.

7. Setting you straight when you make stupid decisions.
She’s the first to praise your successes but she’s also never hesitated to call you out when you’ve made the wrong choice.

8. Picking up the check, the tab, etc.
Whenever you were low on cash, she offered to help you out never expecting anything in return. She did because as your older sister, her job is to look out for you.

9. Being there for you unconditionally.
She’s never failed you, and she never will. Rides, sound advice, a good laugh, a shoulder to cry on, she’s your go-to person. Besides your parents, she’s one of the only people that will drop everything to be there for you.

10. Knowing you better than anyone else.
She knows your likes, dislikes, secrets, dreams and crushes. She knows what you’re like on your best days and your worst days. She knows how to console you and what to do to lift your mood. She’s your role model, your best friend, your older sister.

“and she smiles”

“He restores, what is broken. He gave her back the years, that the enemy, had stolen. And she smiles without fear, when He is near her. He is her guide, and her protector. Nothing, and no one, can harm her now. And the warmth of her laughter, is His most favorite, of sounds.” #GodHasGotMe #GodRestoresMe

Hurting so much tonight 💭

This took place all before when I thought I knew everything or I was told I knew everything but I didn't know this was going on for a year and a half already as I was then told about it and that was when everything went down heel for me. 
    • Constant anxiety attacks
    • In the clinics for 2weeks
    • 3 x suicidal attempts
    • Abusing him even more than before emotionally and physically

    Broken was an understatement for what I was feeling. Everything came crashing down on me when I was told eveyething I will never forget that felling I felt when it was all said of what,when,how ect it hurt and it hurt deep very deep….. Feeling I will never ever forget ever…..

    Below is actually what brought on the truth to actually be told as it was said I was going to take this to my grave…. So I’m sure if I didn’t see the below either the affair would have went on or I would have found out later as the truth will come out eventually whether there was still an affair or not….. But what happened after this even though he lied with me right next to him as he still went off with her after all he put me through after the truth was told…..

    Her – Hi him and Kim. Is it possible for me to see the both of you please?

    Him – Hi there why would you want to see the both of us?

    Her – Accept and move on. Closure I guess. Yesterday after our conversation I was left with an uncertainty kinda feeling. I suppose seeing it right infront of you is different from a telephonic conversation. I don’t want to cause any drama. Just see you both. End off on good terms with both you and Kim‚ if you guys feel not. Then I understand. I only had good intentions. And apologize to Kim. We weren’t exactly very nice to each other this last bit and it wasn’t her fault.

    Him – Personally i don’t want to and Kim don’t want to either. So rather not.I will inform her.

    Her – Understood Rather don’t. It’s something I wanted to do. But understand

    Him – Well I told her the msg already. She just said she has forgiven you already for what has happened and holding no grudges. She just wants you to move on and wishes you all the best.

    Her – can I call?

    Him – Yes

    Her – Please, if there is any kind of future for us.. I ask that u tell Kim everything. Tell her about the plans we made, how in love we are. The letter I wrote. The gift u accepted and probably still hiding away. Tell her that u wanted me pregnant. Please just tell her everything. I love you and am very in love with you. Tell her how we are at work and the connection others see. Tell her that u not ready to let me go. All or nothing remember.

    Him – I told her about that all already yes. The plans, being in love, the letter, the wanting to be pregnant and the gift. Everything. We are done and focusing on my family now. If this continues, I will have to block you, so please stop.

    Her – Don’t do this to us. We’ve come along way. Does she know why you didn’t tell her about my divorce? Or the countless times we slept together. That you wanna live in me.. How u feared going home the day we went for coffee. What we have is real. You ask me to marry you.My mom just asked today when u taking her on that movie date. That I was there when u needed me. Financially,
    physically,emotionally. Love I don’t want to let go of us.

    Him – we are done please respect my decision. As I said Kim knows everything as I have told her everything. So please stop this.

    Her – Kim msgd me at 4 this morning yes. Doubt she knows everything. All you did was hurt me in the end. Please stop kissing me, touching me, looking at me. No more flirting or walking around with hard on. We still need to speak to Andie when u back. I no longer wish to work with you. I know now that I meant nothing and that hurts. That what said is untrue. You may only decide to tell her what you want and make me look bad and yourself good.. But I know truth. My cousin knows the truth. I didn’t know that you can be this person or capable of doing this to me. But it is what it is. My heart hurts and I am sad. Be cold towards me. I now know the real you.

    Him – Yes I was laying next to her when she msged you. Just leave us alone please.

    Her – Likewise leave me alone. No more lift moments. Remove my access to your phone that I’ve had for year.Out of curiosity, what did Kim say about the reason u didn’t tell her about my divorce

    Him – Does it even matter what she said

    Her – To me yes

    Him – She wants to be with me and i want to fix things so deal with it.

    Her – So why still msg when she already did

    Him – Because you think you trying to make more shit by asking if kim knows this and that in the meantime she knows everything.

    Her – Not trying to make make more shit. Was trying to remind you of what we have. And how far we have come. I’ve seen you cry so many times and reach breaking point

    Him – And Im telling you what we had is what we had I want to fix this with Kim and that’s final. So respect that.I warned you that if you continue this I will have to block you seems like I have to do that now.

    Her – As long as you keep your hands to urself and ur dick in ur pants.You and Kim with ur threats.. block me.

    Him – No threats I warned you.

    But just a msg to myself tonight just keep doing what you doing you doing a great job your boy loves you and you love him…. His all that matters to me now….

    12am thoughts 💭

    As I lay here not being able to sleep. I just think to myself do you and her actually realized what you did you both cheated, do you things that you done nothing wrong, do you think you will forever be happy, do you realize you will have to answer questions one day to both your kids you have from your previous marriage, do you realize you will have to answer questions to you current unborn child, do you just realize all of this????

    I’m still hurting alot and I think I will forever hurt no matter what…. It’s sore as I lay her those tears just roll down and just can’t be controlled.

    I will never love again I do not ever want a man in my life the only man I have and live for is my big little man the one that calls me mommy and knows the sound of my heartbeat inside my body. I have been hurt way to much to ever want to love again. I make this promise to you my son that another man mommy will not love ever as I will not complicate your life anymore than what it is also. I live for you and for you alone my boy. People can say I’m selfish but you are my priority.

    Your dad didn’t think of you one bit when he was doing what he was doing with his woman that is now carrying his child and that saddens me so much as it just shows what you really mean to him my boy… You father didn’t have the balls to tell me his found someone else and wants to leave he was seeing her for a year and a half or so it’s been said until I found out and continued to lie that he wasn’t seeing her anymore but was still seeing her up until date.

    How do you two sleep at night knowing what you did and it’s out there and people talk about what you have committed (adultery) as the Bible says you went against God’s commandment does this not bother you in anyway at all?

    A letter to myself, a betrayed wife.

    Dear Self,

    I want you to find happiness. True happiness and peace within your soul. I know some days it feels impossible and the emotions from your husband’s infidelity are all you can feel, but remember the pain will recede with time. Remember when you first found out? Your mind couldn’t comprehend your husband’s actions and what he had done. You were angry, hurt, sad and you felt like your entire world had ended.

    Well, your life did not end. 

    Since you found out. Your eyes have opened, your feet have touched the ground and you’ve taken countless breaths since then. Breathing seems like such a simple action but remember how hard it was to catch your breath in the wake of discovering your husband’s affair? Remember the frantic tears and screaming that consumed you? That part is over. Since then you’ve opened your eyes each morning and survived. Survived a pain worse than you have ever known.

    37a16153be3572ae11b2971757216643Perhaps, you did not realize how much you loved your husband until you realized your marriage might be over. It’s possible that both of you did not comprehend the devastation and horror of deception until the affair was uncovered. And it’s possible, that your husband, as much as he loves you, did not love himself enough to stop the affair. The affair was not about you. It was not about an unhappy or unloving marriage. The affair was about him and his feelings of failure. Those feelings led him to self-destruct. Your husband never even considered for one second during his affair that his actions would rip your heart out, cause you pain that would make you welcome death, destroy the marriage you once shared. It may hurt more because you are both so much in love. Maybe that connection will be a blessing and make you work harder.

    Remember to love yourself. Embrace happiness. Pursue your dreams. You are in control of your own future and the people you choose to share your life. You are secure in yourself and that is also a blessing. Don’t let this affair change who you are deep down inside. Yes, the affair should open your eyes and force you to look deeply at what weaknesses lay within you and your husband, but don’t allow this to change your soul.


    You are beautiful.

    You are loved.

    You are smart.

    You are kind.

    You are strong.

    I bet you never realized how strong you actually are, right? You never thought you would fight for a broken relationship and do it with pride. You never thought you would love him if he cheated. I bet it shocks the hell out of you that you never stopped loving him. His arms wrapped around your body have never made you feel so safe. His kiss has never made you feel so loved. The sound of his voice has never made your heart beat faster than it does today. Your love will continue and grow. You will find that when you make your way to the other side of this journey you will both be better, stronger and happier.

    Every day is a blessing, even those days that feel like a nightmare. You realize this now when you look around and see how fragile life can be. You’ve lost family and friends since discovering his affair and celebrated holidays, anniversaries, birthdays and more. Life continues regardless of the pain you feel and the tears you cry. Remember the sun rises each morning out of darkness and so shall you. When you place your feet upon the ground, connect yourself to the world and engage your mind, body and soul in all that you do.

    You are much more than this affair. 

    Your husband is much more than this affair. 

    As strong as you are remember that you are also vulnerable. You forgot that before. You thought that a good (better than good) marriage was not vulnerable to an affair. You didn’t protect the marriage. You didn’t know any better, but now you do. You know that even a loving, supportive, happy marriage can hold a spouse that is less than confident in himself/herself. He realizes he trusted the wrong person. He didn’t go looking for an affair but he did propel it forward. He gave her an invitation to exploit him, use him for her own selfish needs and leave him feeling like a complete failure. Recognize both your mistakes and take that knowledge with you. Recognize that love is a verb, an action and you must live that love to feel it everyday. You know now that love is primary… life may bring annoyances and grievances but the love must be first. Communication is utterly important. No matter how much you love someone and how in sync you are, neither of you are mind readers. You must speak your thoughts, your fears, your joys–all of it matters and is more important than you knew.

    There is no road map to heal from infidelity but you should trust your instincts. No matter how powerful and painful the breaking is from infidelity, that breaking is opening up a door to a new life. One that is better because of this pain.

    You will survive.

    Breathe in.

    Breathe out.

    Listen to your heart. 

    I am. I am. I am.



    Dear Liars and Cheaters,

    I am writing to you today on behalf of all of those you have hurt, demeaned and damaged, both past and present, in relationships.

    I understand that sometimes temptation is so easy to yield to; especially in this media rich day and age that almost encourages cheating and lying.

    The temptation to cheat is a beast that is conquered with a little practice of self-control.

    There is so much pain and suffering in the world today that we should always be mindful and look for ways to reduce any unnecessary heartache with one another.

    That being said, I have a few issues and key points I would like to address with you.

    1. If you truly aren’t happy or satisfied in a relationship, why not just end it and save the heartache of your partner? Sure, it will sting a bit at first, but hearing the truth is so much better than the crushing blow of a lie.

    One lie can un-do so many good aspects of the time shared together – if you lied and cheated, then what else over the course of the relationship did you lie about? Better to cut to the chase, tell the truth and leave the past memories intact and precious to the now ex in your life.

    I have experienced this more than a few times in my past, and given the choice, I’d much rather hear the truth than find out later on about the lies and indiscretions.

    2. Why enter into a committed relationship in the first place if you know deep down inside that you cannot be faithful? Be upfront about your past, such as if you have issues with being faithful; let your partner know if you have any misgivings or hold-outs on relationships in general, going as far as your capacity to commit.

    Honesty really is the best policy – give the person you are considering a relationship with that choice if they want to take the chance on you and risk possible heartbreak.

    As the Golden Rule states: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

    If for any other reason, keep in mind that karma is a bitch and any pain you cause will eventually come back to you in one way or another.